Home Black History How Black People Should Respond To All Lives Matter

How Black People Should Respond To All Lives Matter


This is a great video that has been put together by MTV and what we think is a great explanation of why Black Lives Matter is not just some random group of black people from the hood who wants more government handouts. We all have friends that don’t look exactly like us, but why does Black America always seem to get’s dismissed and always overlooked. I think it is because most white people have drank the cool-aid of the establishment, but yet when it comes down to it the establishment will dismiss them as well, just to stay in absolute power.

We will have more posts about this later, but if you really look at it from a global point of view, why have white Europeans go through so much effort to make sure black people or people of African descent are mass murdered and removed from the lands that were given to them by the All Mighty Creator?

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You see to fully understand your enemy you must understand them as a people and this people came into power. If you study anything about warfare especially ancient warfare one of the most damaging things you can do to a group of people is destroy their history and stop their bloodline. You can see all of this happening from the killing and separation of family and men along with the changing of color to the skin in the Egyptian hieroglyphics.

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